Sunday, November 26, 2006


We almost forgot all about this blog, the official site of Al Lahw Al Khafy Gang 8-)
I don't know what made me remember it again.. I definitely miss our old days...

Anyway, I worked for a while on the blog and made many modifications and additions.
The blog is of course moved to beta blogger, so the old username won't work anymore. The new username will be my e-mail: tulip.lady@yahoo .com, and the same password ;)

I hope we come here more often to have some fun.
Love you girls, mwah!



SimSim said...

nana I never forgot about it !!!! bas nasyeeh el password :D remind me of it in any way loooooooooooooooooooooool nice work ya gamar

Anonymous said...

LOOOOL we are back :devil:

and i just have another victim to ngaziz 3eeeshtu :evil mood:

Nyaaaaahaaa haaa haaa haaa

Nana , great job! ya3teeki el 3afyeh jad! :hug:

SimSim : habouleh!! mesh metzakreh el password?? :d

Diana said...

walek simsim 3an jad nasyeh el password? 7awly tetzakary w eza ma tzakarty let me send it to u :p

Ranoosh, w ne7na mosta3edeen, enta bas shawer ya gameel :cool:

SimSim said...

walkom nasyeetoo :3ayoo6:

loool :shy:

Diana said...

alo alo 1 2 3 7awwel, hal tasma3ny?

el beda3ah wasalet ya m3alemah samasem?

SimSim said...

nana: looooooooooooooool weslaat ya m3alleem :wa7ad mgale3:


OMG we can have so much fun :D

Diana said...

awsome! I can see eno el beda3ah wasalet and u are doing a good job already :D