Sunday, March 26, 2006

Aurrora Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Bithday to Roraa
Happy Birthday to you
Sweetest Rora

Happy Birthday
and Many Happy Returns!

Lady D

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

SimSim on focus

Hi 3esabeh

our dear member
is having a very interesting focus
way to go gurl

ehrooha as2eleh!

Lady D

Friday, March 10, 2006

settings update.

Many were complaining that the blog does not allow anonymous comments, so, I've changed the settings, now "anyone" can comment.


Lady D

Thursday, March 09, 2006

What evil u did for today ?!!

This would be like proving ur self to the gang and that u deserve to be a member Image hosting by Photobucket

Doing evil will increase ur membership with us Image hosting by Photobucket

For today I made a boy in the 7th grade cry without doing anything just by looking at him Image hosting by Photobucket

what about u ? Image hosting by Photobucket

SimSim Image hosting by Photobucket

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Art Of Killing !!

here in our 3esaba station we will show our ways of killing and that would be a warning for the outlaws (people that we don't like) looooooooool

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the first way is smashing: Image hosting by Photobucket
and it's very effective for mo3akkasaat u can smash anyone by ur book or ur shoes looool

Second way the power of the ganweh: Image hosting by Photobucket
and it's very effective in all cases

And many other ways I will leave it to u to figure out when to use them Image hosting by Photobucket
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SimSim Image hosting by Photobucket