Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Official Launch

May I have your attention please

Dear All
I announce to you
The Site of
*عصابة اللهو الخفي*
has just been
officially launched
Let's party



Lady D


SimSim said...

cooooooooooooooooool :rgs:

yaa 7alawaa ya ged3aaan loool

first member in the Gang .... SimSim

Diana said...

Lady D
tasjeel 7odoor :cool:

nawleeny kaman 2e63et cake :rgs:

SimSim said...

take ya5tee hay 5 2e6a3 :rgs:

lazeem nla2elna 7al la DMW :ganweh:

Diana said...

Dead Man Walking, this is your last warning!
Any similar post by u will be deleted :cool:

Dino$ said...

sho jali wa sha6if? eish fi? simsim ta3i jaay malo DMW 3aliekum? bidkum backup ? ana jaaaaaahzeh :az2ar: ehehe

masaaaaaa2 i khieeeeeeer

Diana said...

chochoooo masa2 el noor 3al banoor (f)

ballahy teb3atelna bagartek khaleeha torfosh DMW :D

Dino$ said...

dmw malak 3al bagarti? nana bagoorti ma bturfus bas bturgus tool il nhaarha lol

DMW ta3al jay... sho gasdak?

looks at nana confused... and says " malo hatha?" *points at DMW does a face ghareeb that expresses her istighraaab :P